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Experience the beauty of the Mae Kampong community forest by trekking on the  Waterfall Nature Trail, where you can witness a diverse range of plants – a destination that many people dream of visiting. Relax and recharge yourself with herbal sauna and healthy foods.

Itinerary Trip

2 Days 1 Night

Day 1:

08:30 AM: Welcome guests at the parking area at Mae Kampong village.

08:35 AM: Homestay owners come to welcome tourists into their accommodations. Prepare for trekking.

09:00 AM:   Short trekking, 3 kilometers distance.

12:00 PM: Lunch.

01:00 PM: Walking to pay respects to image Buddha at Mae Kampong Temple.

01:30 PM: Activity of making tea leaf pillow. Each tourist makes one pillow.

02:30 PM: Steam herbs in a closed room.

03:00 PM: Tourist walk at walking street at their leisure. 

04:00 PM: Return to the homestay.

06:30 PM: Dinner (Performance: Bai Sri Su Kwan ceremony, Thai dancing, local music)

Day 2:

05:30 AM: Wake up.

05:40 AM: Travel to Kew Fin, a distance of 4 kilometers.

08:00 AM: Breakfast.

09:00 AM: Tourists prepare for departure.

Operated trip by :

Mae Kampong

  • Tel. 062-1929656
  • E-mail kampongcoffee@hotmail.com

Emission information greenhouse gases


  • The amount of greenhouse gas emissions per person equal to 8.1 Kgco2 eq
  • There is carbon credit compensation in 2023, there will be 6 tons for 700 tourists who are expected to visit the area throughout the year.


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