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Collecting fresh chicken eggs at Mae Tha Organic, Chiang Mai Province. After that we will  shopping cooking ingredients at community forest ,then cooking in the forest together. Relax before leaving by soaking your feet in herbal water.

Itinerary Trip

Full Day

  • Visit a community organic farm
  • Collect fresh eggs
  • Trek with local guide, and find ingredients to cook your lunch
  • Cook and have lunch in the forest
  • Enjoy a lush herbal foot soak and taste Northern Thai snacks

Operated trip by :

Mae Ta Organic Community

  • Tel. 096 6970079
  • E-mail gardenun@gmail.com

Emission information greenhouse gases

“Mae Tha Organic “

  • The amount of greenhouse gas emissions per person equal to 4.2 Kgco2 eq
  • There is carbon credit compensation in 2023, there will be 3 tons for 400 tourists who are expected to visit the area throughout the year.



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